As you level your abilities and try to pick battles the smart way you always feel challenged and see your improvements. But remember to know a recipe you should be able to read. While I am at it: Collecting herbs and brewing potions are a fast way to get money. After this you will hardly ever break a lock-pick. The first improves the duration of lock picks and the second makes it easier to open locks. Train on very easy locks until you get a level 3 and level 6 perk (If I remember the levels correctly). For lock-picking: Even when you break your lock-pick you get experience points. (Re)practice until level 6 and then train after saving at sleeping persons. Advice: You can train pick-pocketing at your first trainer. Special warning: Lock-picking and pick-pocketing are really hard. However you can improve all skills on a learning by doing base. Your character is also the son of a blacksmith so he cant read (can learn it ingame), has no battle training and also no thievery skills.

Just button mashing on enemies gets you killed as fast as attacking multiple enemies without a plan or preparation.

Ever wondered why maces and flails exist? This is the reason. Even a gambeson is a solid deference that protects you or lets say dampen the impacts. For example swords are a poor weapon against heavy armored foes in chain and plate armor. This is not only valid for architecture, culture and society. This is not only valid for architecture, culture and A unique open world RPG set in Bohemia around the year 1403 that focus on realism. A unique open world RPG set in Bohemia around the year 1403 that focus on realism.